Capitol Velo Club welcomes new members at any time. Both new and existing members of CVC may sign up using this form.
Step 1: Please complete the information below and mark the items you would like to help with this year, as well as your racing/riding goals. Step 2: When submitted, a link to the liability waiver form will appear. You must print, sign, and date this form. Please send the waiver and a check payable to CVC for the amount of $25 (optional clothing order form also provided) to Capitol Velo Club at:
CVC 101 Center Ct Cambridge, WI 53523
Note: If you do not send in your dues and signed waiver, you will not be added to the CVC email listserv, receive sponsor discounts, or be able to purchase CVC clothing.
Volunteer Activities
(*) Indicates required field
Please indicate which volunteer activities interest you. Choosing one or more activities does not obligate you at this time, but allows us to more efficiently plan these activities and events:
MS 150 Ironman Wisconsin Badger Cross Cyclo-Cross Race Youth bicycle safety program Lead a Monday or Thursday training ride Provide a cycling clinic Other charity events CVC Steering Committee